Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Library Thingy-Dingy 2nd time...

The second time around is a charm. I have had to learn the hard way, almost always. So in doing my "librarything" I went about it with carefree kind of way. Not knowing that I would need 20,000 passwords...and as it turned out I got caught up in cutez this and cutez that words until before I knew it, I had to remember one of them. oops. Sooooo needless to say I had to start @ the beginning. Lo and Behold second time around is alot easier (and faster). I finally visited Listen Alaska with some seriousness and found out how user friendly it turned out to be. I will use that site.

igoogle ..how handy. Right at my fingertips.
Youtube..now some of those videos are soooooo funny!!!

ps.. just one password...______...now that's easy!